What's interesting
The working name of the brand, as specified in the client's brief, was 'Alternateave'.

What's interesting
Initially, the 'Mistress of the Moon' jasmine-flavoured tea was intended to depict a provocative young woman. However, due to a miscommunication, the graphic designer used an image of an elderly lady, now visible on the packaging, influencing interpretations.

What's interesting
The logo—praying hands inspired by the painting of Albrecht Dürer—was designed by our verbal designer in Keynote. It was then finalised by a graphic assistant.

What's interesting
While working on the brand language, the verbal designer explored niche websites and specialised dictionaries related to various religions and mythologies, including different branches of Christianity.

What's interesting
The collages are created using open-source and free-to-use materials sourced from various websites, including museum archives.

What's interesting
All the designed prayers on the back of the tubes represent factual data about the tea.

Designer's insight