What's interesting
The Verbal Designer requested that the toughest decision-maker be assigned to evaluate project work, and the Chief Financial Officer was chosen. He fell in love with the Brand Identity Concept during the first phone call.

What's interesting
The company's scientists identify so strongly with the new slogan "Fate can be altered" that when it disappeared from their screensavers after maintenance, they flooded the IT department with a wave of complaints.

What's interesting
During a meeting with the client's board of directors (running one of Europe's most prominent biotech companies), a designer's food container accidentally opened. The room instantly filled with the smell of kebab.

What's interesting
The already approved logo was perfected by changing it to all lowercase the day before the final presentation.

What's interesting
The final presentation of the new branding took place in a 500-seat lecture theatre, while also being transmitted online to branches of the company in other cities.

Designer’s insight