What's interesting
‘Chrzanów’ sounds similar to the Polish verb ‘chrzanić,’ which is a vulgar term for expressing frustration, for ignoring something, or for ruining something. Developed as the city's slogan, ‘Ja to Chrzanów’ literally means ‘I am Chrzanów,’ but also humorously implies ‘I am done with it.’

What's interesting
While buying and downloading a font usually requires just a few clicks, the typeface purchased by the Municipality, Euclid Flex, had to be ‘imported’ from Switzerland as a foreign commodity. Due to its specific nature, the entire process took five weeks.

What's interesting
The new branding for Chrzanów was hailed on social media as the boldest of any Polish city in history.
What's interesting
The residents' initial adverse reaction to the new branding changed upon seeing the tote bag design, as inquiries about its price and availability started pouring in. Currently, the residents hold the City's image in high esteem and appreciate its usefulness.

What's interesting
Chrzanów has become a benchmark for other cities in terms of branding, to the point of envy. There have been instances where elements of the City's visual architecture were simply copied.

What's interesting
A total of 1729 files were created for the project. Please consider how many hours of work that amounts to in total. There are 40 work hours in a week.

Designer’s insight